Thursday, September 29, 2011

We Made It!

Hi all!  Just checking in very briefly to let you know that Roslyn and I, and our two research assistants, Fayeza (Roslyn's assistant) and Sabrina (my assistant), have made it to Matlab safe and sound.  It is beautiful and quiet here and all of the people I have met so far are so very nice.  We had a busy and successful first full day today and tomorrow Sabrina and I will get to go by boat to meet some river gypsies (who are referred to as Shoudhagor, which means 'merchant') and start pre-testing my interview questions.  Hopefully, I'll be back soon with a more exciting and in-depth update of the first few days in Matlab.  For now, let me just say that I am nervous and really excited - I feel like I'm finally starting the work that I came here to do!
A view of the ICDDR,B campus from our guesthouse - isn't it amazing?


  1. Wow, that's beautiful, Katie! I hope the village life is living up to all of your expectations and more! Happy birthday!
    Jayme and Jonathan

  2. What a beautiful place, Katie. Congrats on arriving at your final destination, and I look forward to hearing about your experiences with the Shoudhagor.
